Gerhard Haag Biography

One of his companies, Robotic Systems LLC, was presented with the Arabia Corporate Social Responsibility Award by the Emirates Environmental Group.
Haag was the developer of the Automated and Mechanical Parking Association guideline for automated parking, now adopted as the standard by the National Parking Association in Washington, DC. He initiated the National Fire Code for automated parking for the National Fire Protection Association and serves as a technical committee member for the association.
While continuing to design and build cutting edge robotic parking garages, Haag also produces stunning architectural designs, interior design and furniture design — all channels for expanding upon his purpose to uplift the lives of those his products touch.
Haag is also a regular face in humanitarian and social causes, most recently leading teams of hurricane relief volunteers with the Florida Governmental Emergency Management and FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency)
Gerhard Haag and Royce Monteverdi

This resulted in new endeavors in architecture, interior design and more.
As many have done before him, rather than allowing his fields of work to overlap, he chose to use a pen name, Royce Monteverdi, for these new endeavors.
During this time the Royce Monteverdi signature has expanded to also include furniture design, jewelry, and more.
Simultaneously under the Monteverdi signature he has continued to expand upon his technological breakthroughs in engineering, particularly in the area of robotic parking.